I know its been a while since the last post but apart from me alone here cleaning and attending the odd party there hasn't been much to post. All kinds of ships / boats come in here so here are a few of the visitors, the latest came in last night a Spanish aircraft carrier with a few fighter jests and several helicopters. Its unusual to see a military ship this close but I suspect the normal navy moorings are full of other battleships and submarines.
The ship is named Juan Carlos I was told its around 2 years old. No doubt of young navy officers in town now on leave.
The gold motor cruiser was outside the office, British owned, they had a lorry deliver the fuel, must have cost a fortune.
I looked up this cruise ship, named Ventura, carries 3500 people, way too big.
To say thank you to the marina staff and local people like vets, the baker, newsagent and Spanish teachers we had a barbecue, loads of meat, all kinds of food, desserts lots of wine and beer too. We payed a silly game afterwards, "bite the bag" basically you have to pick up the bag in your teeth without touching the floor. When everyone has had their turn an inch, sometimes it was 2 " cut from the top. Now that certainly sorted the wheat from the chaff as they say. Good to see 70 year olds partake and do well as well as youngsters. A great night had by all.
Some were in fits of giggles.
What a showman!
The look of satisfaction on some peoples faces
You should have heard the grunts and groans and that was just the spectators.
Oh, it was the local restaurants opportunity to show off their food so the main walkway into town was lined with small stalls serving yummy tapas. A few of us from the marina walked into town past some of the traditional sailing boats. There was a race between some of the small ones.
Sorry I didn't take any of the food I was way too busy eating!
Promise not to leave it so long next time.