Saturday, 4 October 2014

Charleston, South Carolina Part two

Charleston, South Carolina part two
Yet again the Charleston blog is in two parts as so many of you have been asking for more photos so here its is.

As Don is ex navy we just had to visit Patriots point where they have the aircraft carrier The Yorktown, a destroyer and a submarine, the submarine is in a pretty poor state.

The Yorktown was the carrier that went to collect Apollo 8

Someone we know maybe interested in this

So many planes above and below decks

This was taken from the aircraft carrier that almost sunk and saved by the crew
This must have been so fast

Our transport to the fort above in the entrance to Charleston Harbor

Fort Sumter named after the revolutionary war hero general Thomas Sumter  is a five sided structure with walls five feet thick 50ft tall and 650 men were here, there were 135 big guns.
It was built after the 1812 war, the first shot of the "war between states" the confederates held onto Fort Sunter until 1865 but was reduced to rubble by the end of the war. The fort was rebuilt after the civil war.

We enjoyed our stay in Charleston and found it very interesting but it was time to move on, so next stop will be on our way to Tennessee.

Don and Glenys
Agua Therapy

Charleston, South Carolina Part one

Charleston South Carolina

Charleston, founded in 1670, it only became a city in 1783. 

Rice and cotton in the early days were important crops and the first export went to England in 1748, $875 worth.
The first shots of the "civil War were fired
It was the home of George and Irma Gershwin, his piano is in the museum.

We stayed 3 days here, we stayed out of the city this time and drove into town then parked in the city parking areas. Some of the parking fees are very expensive at $4 or 5$ for 20 minutes.
There is an excellent  visitors centre where you can book trips and tickets to the events and the busses collect you from right outside.
So the first visit was the Museum, it was Americas first museum in 1773, yes its another one but some are better than others.

Just outside is the replica submarine The H.L. Hunley, an incredible thing when you think when it was made in 1864. The story goes that after it had destroyed its target the confederate ship Housatonic it never surfaced again and wasn't found until 1995 and raised in 2000. The torpedo was mounted on the pole which Don is touching. Propulsion was pure 8 man power they cranked the propeller shaft.

This sub was only built for small folks

Inside the museum the artefacts are split into rooms holding displays of silverware, flags, musical instruments, guns, uniforms, items of torture, battlefield surgical instruments and some of the items from the first ever museum in the US, in those early days it was the only way to see polar bears, an Egyptian mummy, stuffed birds, snakes, all kinds of insects and reptiles.

In civil war rooms you could have spent hours reading all the stories, we just read a few.

Stars and bars
Duelling pistols
We passed a small area in a park where gentlemen duelled, it was right next to the cemetery so it was very convenient.

Guns galore, there were walls covered in gun cases

Guns and swords
The musical instrument room was pretty full here are just a few.

A homemade guitar made by a slave from an old coffee can
More an ornament than an instrument
Gershwins piano
A harp guitar
On the battlefield these were what they used to amputate a limb 
The exhibits shown in at least 2 of the rooms are the original ones from when the museum was first built
Huge, not the sort of thing you want to bump into.

Bottled snakes
A british uniform

A marble clock which was used in the police station

Don and his big gun, again this was taken in Charleston harbour where the first shots of the civil war were fired
The buildings in Charleston are as in Savannah are well preserved permissions have to obtained for everything that you may want to be done.

We loved walking around the town

On the last 3 pictures are buildings where you can get married, register a birth or death, a court, or get divorced, quite a busy place. 
We crossed this bridge a couple of times its so long I could't fit it all in its 2 miles long. Its the Talmadge Memorial bridge
Traditional barbers pole

This "pharmacy" was selling furniture

One of the city market entrances

Inside they sell just about anything, I would have gone back in time to see what was sold

These are beautifully made and this guy has so many puzzle boxes, we bought one, its one thats easy to open

Look what we found yum yum, no we didn't try one

Ok part two next BFN
Don and Glenys
Agua Therapy