Wednesday, 30 May 2012

April Leaving party in Javea

We had a leaving party in April, lots of nice food, drinks and live music. I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

Spaghetti and Dons new toy

Don has been busy sorting out the "spaghetti behind the panels ready to move the instruments behind the doors

The first panel is now finished behind the doors

All tidy now, nice and neat.

Don has his new toy, he took it for a try around the marina.

The next panel is a much bigger job, more cables and a lot of fiddly bits to cut out.  The HF and the SSB radio will go in with the chartplotter, battery monitor, navtext and weatherman. 

Sunday, 27 May 2012

All go here with preparations

Since we moved onto the boat full time and Dons return it has been all go making alterations, mainly woodwork. The hanging wardrobes in our cabin now have shelves which gives us so much more space to store clothes and shoes. Don found more useful space below the big wardrobe too and it is now packed with winter clothes that we probably won't use unless we go to somewhere cooler and some summer things meant for the Caribbean.

For the last 2 weeks its been non stop so yesterday we had a day off and drove to Torrevieja to buy some fixings and fittings. We did buy a portable shower which is basically a black bag with a shower attachment which you fill with water and the sun warms the water. It will be invaluable when we don't have power to heat the water heater.