Sat 21st December
Well I expect most of you have been looking at our little blog and will have following our progress from Fort Lauderdale. Lets say it was something we would never attempt again, the crossing from Spain was a doddle compared with this one. We were so concerned we would have to make landfall elsewhere not to the Virgin Isles which would have wrecked our new cruising season plans. At the moment we are in Sopers Hole in Tortola and have a cruising licence for the BVI's for a month. So these islands we will explore as best we can as we didn't do them justice last time we were here. Not taken any photo's yet but when I do I will post some.
We would like to say a big thank you for the encouragement given by other yachts on the SSB radio who checked our progress twice a day. The only other contact was via the sat phone to our friend John who did his best to help with weather info, albeit at times not good. Oh well thats all for now we need to chill, buy lots of rum and get someone else to cook!
Don and Glenys
Agua Therapy